Following the Ofsted inspection of West Alvington C of E Academy in March 2020, the proud staff and children have been celebrating the judgement that the school is a Good school.
The report stated:
“West Alvington is a happy, small school. Pupils of different ages learn together in two classes. Pupils are safe and enjoy it here. Pupils form close friendships across age groups. Many speak of the school being ‘a family’. Pupils behave well and are considerate and respectful to each other. They are polite and well mannered. Staff are caring and respectful to pupils … There is a strong ethos of teamwork. Staff are proud to work at the school.
Leaders have worked hard to ensure that the curriculum is demanding for pupils. They receive rich curriculum experiences. Pupils do well in mathematics and reading. Teachers make sure that activities in other subjects develop the key knowledge and skills pupils need. Most pupils are excited to share their work. They are proud of their achievements.
Pupils enjoy the opportunities for learning beyond lessons. For example, forest school and residential visits. They join in with community events and raise money for charities. Pupils are proud of their fundraising for a local animal charity. Pupils have lots of opportunities to join in sports events and take part in performances at a local secondary school.“