Phonics Surgeries 4-5pm Zoom

Run together by Ilsham English Hub, Ramsbury English Hub and Cornerstone English Hub.  A chance to drop in and discuss your questions and queries with a different focus to each session.   Intended audience: EYFS/KS1/KS2 teachers delivering phonics lessons 

  • Input from a Literacy Specialist on an aspect of phonics provision in your setting  
  • Consider next steps to improve provision for all children regardless of backgrounds and starting points  
  • Share practice across the network of schools 
  • Opportunity for Q&A  

These sessions will not be recorded and are run on Zoom. 

Dates for your diaries:

2nd November Sign up here:

4th January Sign up here:

22nd February Sign up here:

18th April Sign up here:

27th June Sign up here: