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  • Trust Board Committees


    Chair of Committee

    Joanne Tisdall


    • Two Trustees
    • Trust Lead
    • Chair of Local Ethos & Governance Committee

    Key Responsibilities

    • To discharge the functions conferred on it by relevant Education Acts and Regulations
    • To act in accordance with any Trust Deed for the school (as long as this does not contravene any statutory requirements)
    • To review the draft Admissions Arrangements for the school as agreed by the Trust Board and to send a copy to the Diocese by 1st October each year
    • To recommend to the Full Board the Admissions Arrangements following review and to be determined by Full Board by 28th February each year
    • To ensure that the consultation process is carried out in accordance with guidance contained in the School Admissions Code (2021)
    • To rank all applications in accordance with the current determined admissions policy (normal round)
    • To determine applications for admission in accordance with the Trust’s published Admission Arrangements (in year) to establish a procedure by which admission appeals can be heard in accordance with the guidance contained in the School Admissions Appeals Code (2022)
    • To ensure the school continues to serve the needs of the whole community within the area served by the school
    • To publish the Admissions Arrangements on the website by 15th March each year and send a copy to the Local Authority and Diocese
    • To approve nursery policies

    Chairs' Forum

    Chair of Committee

    Joanne Tisdall


    • All Chairs of Local Ethos & Governance Committees (Vice Chairs may attend in their temporary absence)
    • An appointed Trustee
    • The Trust Lead or their representative
    • The Director of Education or their representative

    Key Responsibilities

    • To act on behalf of the Board, in line with the School Trust’s Scheme of Delegation.
    • To provide an environment for open and honest communication and discussion on matters of celebration or improvement.
    • To ensure the Christian distinctiveness and ethos are upheld in our church schools.
    • To ensure that the ethos and vision is upheld in our community schools.
    • To contribute to and be advised of strategic developments of the School Trust and individual school.
    • To receive information updates from the Board.
    • To ensure that the information from the Board is disseminated to the Local Ethos & Governance Committees.
    • To report on outcomes of stakeholder engagement exercises on an annual basis or more frequently where required.
    • To provide feedback on areas of consultation requested by the Board.
    • To agree relevant items to be taken to the Board.
    • How effective is the School Trust support and is it adding value to our schools?
    • How effectively are the schools contributing to the School Trust success?

    Audit Risk & Resources

    Chair of Committee

    Rebecca Wyld


    • Three Trustees.
    • Trust Lead or their representative.

    Key Responsibilities

    • To maintain an oversight of the School Trust’s financial, governance, risk management and internal control systems.
    • To report its findings termly and annually to the Trust Board and the Accounting Officer as a critical element of the School Trust’s annual reporting requirements.
    • To ensure the implementation of the School Trust’s vision, values and mission is underpinned by sound HR and recruitment strategies.
    • To establish and approve remuneration, HR and related policies in order to ensure sound procedures are in place to meet statutory requirements.
    • Monitor objectives from the Strategic Plan and report progress and risk areas to the Board.
    • The Committee has no executive powers or operational responsibilities/duties.

    Education Inclusion & Standards

    Chair of Committee

    Gavin Booth


    • Three Trustees.
    • Trust Lead or their representative.

    Key Responsibilities

    • To ensure that the core values and beliefs of the School Trust are evident in the educational offer to all children.
    • To review the impact of the School Trust school improvement core offer and strategy to ensure excellent outcomes for children, particularly the most vulnerable.
    • Ensure that actions taken by leaders privilege the most disadvantaged children.
    • To agree and monitor the Pupil Premium Strategy and spend and ensure that the gap is closed.
    • Analyse and benchmark performance and progress data, internally and externally, challenging underperformance and ensuring the most vulnerable make accelerated progress and the gap is closed.
    • Analyse and benchmark pupil performance and progress data of specific groups of pupils, challenging underperformance and ensuring that the gap is closing.
    • Ensure that the curriculum in both church and community schools meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and school vision and is balanced, broad effective in securing high quality education for all children.
    • Monitor the effectiveness and impact of the School Trust inclusion offer (including SEND), challenging underperformance and monitoring outcomes.
    • Analyse and benchmark attendance data across the School Trust, both internally and externally, challenging underperformance and ensure that the most vulnerable pupils are attending school.
    • To review exclusions and elective home education to ensure the needs of all children are being met.
    • Monitor parent/pupil voice and feedback from across the School Trust.
    • Monitor the Academy Risk Assessment Tool for all schools in the School Trust in order to challenge underperformance and ensure the highest quality educational offer.
    • To carry out the School Trust’s responsibilities for the provision of assessment and other curriculum-related statistics and information.
    • To ensure that each school’s curriculum is compatible with the principles of equal opportunity.